
The Chevron-shaped House



「軽井沢には何かと縁がある」という夫だが、最も大きかったのは旧友が軽井沢に引っ越したこと。彼とは趣味のスキーでつながった仲間で、いつしか家に遊びに行った際「このへんはどう? 土地空いてるよ」と、熱心に夫を誘った。いやいやーと最初は本気にしなかったが、その頃付き合い始めた妻のほうが軽井沢をめっぽう気に入り、あれよという間に移住へと、ことは進んだ。







Follow your heart.

At first, it was just a feeling. A decision made for no reason and no logic, but one that felt right afterwards. What emerges from the story of Mr. and Mrs. Wada's life in the forest is the importance of the intuition that led them to this decision.

Mr. Wada had said he had many ties to Karuizawa, but the most significant was that one of his old friends, someone he’d met through skiing, had moved there. When the Wada’s visited his house, he kept on suggesting to Mr. Wada that they move to this area, as land was available. At first, Mr. Wada did not take it seriously, but his wife, whom he started dating at that time, fell in love with Karuizawa, and before he knew it, the wheels were set in motion.

Then they came across morinoie, but when the staff asked, “What kind of house are you going to build?” neither of them had any solid ideas.

“This is ridiculous,” Mrs. Wada said, and went to the library. There, she happened to open a book that showed a house with a chevron shape, and immediately knew this was what she wanted.

On the other hand, her husband was not fussed about the exterior, but was particular about the small details, such as having a large living room with tile flooring and a garage integrated with the house. All their requests were fulfilled, and their chevron-shaped house was completed after about a year.

The house is divided into the west wing, where the bedroom and study are, and the east wing, home to the living-dining room and the kitchen, with both wings connected by a corridor. They were stunned by the unimaginable amount of hard work that had been put into the completion of the house, and filled with gratitude for the carpenters.

Soon after their move, the COVID-19 pandemic struck the world.

Mr. Wada, who had been commuting by bullet train, quickly switched to telecommuting and spent most of his time at home. During the day, he spends most of his time in his west wing study, while his wife, who gives private piano lessons, stays in the living room in the east wing. So they do not bother each other and can concentrate on their respective work. They also appreciate the complete privacy when students visit. This is all thanks to the chevron shape of the house and the spacious living room.

What pleases Mr. Wada even more was that the ski area is so close. A 15-minute drive can get him there. He loves the convenience of being able to store his ski gear in the garage and then come straight into the house.

Their three cats also seem to be very comfortable in the house. In the morning, they bask in the sun streaming in the east bay window, and at night they sleep in the bedroom.There are passageways for the cats, so they can come and go as they please.

This chevron-shaped house, cozy for everyone in it, looks like a smile when viewed from the back.


Household / Couple + 3 cats
Terrain / Slope
Site area / 1616.23㎡
Total floor area / 111.50㎡

軽井沢アトリエ / sumori-an





代官山ヒルサイドテラス F-304

